Mr David Lock
Chair of Gulf Conferences
David Lock has had a varied career in international higher education and university leadership. He is currently Education Director of Gulf Conferences, Chair of Gulf Education Conferences and is Secretary General of the Magna Charta Observatory.
HE Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama
Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities
He is the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Chairman of the Executive Bureau of 57357 Foundation (Children Cancer Hospital), and Professor of Structural Engineering at Helwan University in Egypt since 1981.
Dr. Ra’ed Awdeh
Advisor for EdTech at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the UAE
Dr. Ra’ed Awdeh is a visionary technology leader with over 30 years of experience in technology, higher education, business, industry, research and development, and team management. He holds a BSc, an MSc, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Kuwait University, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Queen’s University, respectively.
Mr. Nick Kittles
Mr Nick Kittles is a renowned author, speaker, and coach with over 15 years of experience in government. He is best known for his best-selling innovation book titled Sustainovation: Building Sustainable Innovation in Government, One Wildly Creative Idea at a Time. Nick has spent the last decade and a half in government, where he worked in different capacities, including Chief Innovation Officer. During his time in government, Nick directed 17 different divisions, won 3 national awards for innovation, and pioneered the concept of Innovation Value. He has also developed over 65 unique pilot projects and generated savings worth $7.8 million.
Dr. Frederic Caillaud
Dr. Frédéric holds a Ph.D. in Genetic Engineering from the Pasteur Institute of Paris and a postgraduate degree in Strategic Management from HEC School of Management. He advises multiple public institutions on innovation management and serves as a mandated expert for WIPO. Frédéric has delivered over 251 lectures, coaching sessions, and training sessions worldwide.
Dr. Husam Zaman
Former President at Education & Training Evaluation Commission
An inspiring, visionary, and agile leader with over 15 years’ progressive experience in transformational roles in leading education and governmental institutions. He is also currently serving on several boards, supreme national councils, and global advisory committees in the sectors of education, culture and performance measurement.
Dr. Marcel Hattingh
co-founder and CEO of CCI Professional
Dr. Marcel Hattingh is a co-founder and managing partner of CCI Professional – a consulting house that specialises in Industry 4 enabled human capital investment strategies. Additional to this role, he is also a co-founder of The Foundery, an executive member of Arbor Capital, and continues to serve the Doxa Deo group in a leadership capacity since 2000. Before his current roles, Marcel co-pioneered the City Changers Institute (CCI) – a multi-disciplinary higher educational service provider; where he served as the Director.
Dr. Roberta Malee Bassett
Global Lead for Tertiary Education at the World Bank
Roberta Malee Bassett, PhD, is Global Lead for Tertiary Education at the World Bank, where she leads efforts addressing issues such as equity/inclusion; finance, governance, and quality assurance; internationalization; research/innovation/competitiveness; skills and outcomes; and remote delivery/learning. Before joining the Bank, Dr. Bassett worked for many years in both university administration and academia, having served in such roles as lecturer in higher education management and policy at University of Southampton (UK) and Assistant Dean for Continuing Studies and Summer Session at Stanford University (USA). Currently, she is also serving as a guest lecturer in international higher education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Roberta is the author/editor of numerous books and articles in the field of international higher education and holds a Ph.D. from the Center for International Higher Education, Boston College; M.A., Stanford University; and B.A., Columbia University.
Mr. Hicham Shatou
Chief Executive Officer LeQuest
As a child Hicham lived in many different countries where he endured several sports injuries. He experienced first-hand that many challenges in the medical industry were similar across the world. This sparked his interest in the industry at a young age. After receiving his engineering degree at the TU-Delft, he turned his focus towards creating a safer and better healthcare environment for both healthcare professionals and patients. In 2011 this led to him founding LeQuest.
Mr. Amit Gupta
Founder & CEO of NCR Eduservices
Amit, the founder & CEO of NCR Eduservices, before NCR Esuervices worked in the IT industry for a Japanese Bank, during which he was based in India and Japan. NCR Eduservices is a global education delivery company, known for providing educational academic and operations support services to educational institutions. With a repository of 1,50,000+ teachers, NCR Eduservices served 500+ clients in 16 countries. He follows a new approach to education with a stringent focus on the quality of education and a personalized approach for every learner.