Mr David Lock
Chair of Gulf Conferences
David Lock has had a varied career in international higher education and university leadership. He is currently Education Director of Gulf Conferences, Chair of Gulf Education Conferences and is Secretary General of the Magna Charta Observatory.
Mr. Hanny Alshazly
Vice President, Middle East & Africa Ellucian
As Vice President for the Middle East and Africa at Ellucian, Hanny Alshazly works to improve the quality of education globally & meet the dynamic needs of the universal learner by empowering executives to build unified digital campuses.
Dr. Ashwin Fernandes
Regional Director – Middle East, Africa & South Asia, QS Quacquarelli Symonds CEO, QS IGAUGE Rating
Dr. Alaa Garad
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Al Maktoum College of Higher Education
Alaa Garad is regarded by many as a leading authority in Quality Management and Organizational Learning. Alaa led higher education institutions in the Middle East and developed PG-level qualifications such as MBA, PhD and DBA. Some of his previous assignments included the University of Wollongong in Dubai, Middlesex University Dubai and Abu Dhabi University.
Dr. Maryam Sani
Founder ABS Educational Services Education Lead for the Space Prize Foundation
Dr. Maryam Sani, a distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a Chartered Chemist, has a remarkable three-decade career in education, leadership, and research in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Her academic journey includes a PGCE from Leicester University, an MSc in Analytical Chemistry, and a PhD in STEM Education and Careers from Staffordshire University.
Dr. Nader Ghazal
Educator, MIT Certified professional in AI and digital technologies, policies expert
Dr. Ghazal is passionate about advancing the fields of AI, and emerging digital technology, in a balanced manner and helping states/countries formulate high-level policies and strategies to leverage their implementation benefits in all aspects.
Al Kinsley
CEO NetSupport
The adoption and use of technology within education have expanded significantly over the last three years.  With a move towards evidence-informed use of technology as well as new technologies becoming present, Al will talk through best practise, and rubrics for evaluating and selecting the right technology and looking at ways to evidence to impact so that we can build confidence in the role of technology within education.
Mike Damiano
Edtech Veteran, Venture Partner & Strategic Advisor
Mike is a seasoned expert in the field of educational technology, bringing over 28 years of diverse experience to the Middle East Thought Leadership Forum. He is deeply committed to bridging the $8.5 trillion global skills gap through innovative educational solutions
Prof Salah Al-Majeed
Dean of Science and Engineering
Salah Al-Majeed is a Professor of Systems Engineering and Dean of Science and Engineering at AUI. He is the Lead Academic Organisation Cooperation Consultant for the UK and Europe at Huawei. Also, Salah has led the IEEE UK and Ireland section for STEM and Education for the last couple of years. 
Dr. Ra’ed Mohammed BenShams
Advisor for Public Services Development
Dr. Raed Mohammed BenShams is a distinguished leader and expert in public administration and management. He has devoted his 39-year career to advancing Bahrain's development goals through various fields, such as capacity building, youth empowerment, policy making, and public innovation. He has led many successful projects at local, regional, and international levels.