Mr David Lock
Chair of Gulf Conferences
David Lock has had a varied career in international higher education and university leadership. He is currently Education Director of Gulf Conferences, Chair of Gulf Education Conferences and is Secretary General of the Magna Charta Observatory.
Alysa Grayson
Founder of TOMA BAṜRE EDUCATION, the parent company of Cross-Cultural Institute, Anthropology Adventures Academy, and a Pearson Accredited International School (K-12).
HE Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama
Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities
He is the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Chairman of the Executive Bureau of 57357 Foundation (Children Cancer Hospital), and Professor of Structural Engineering at Helwan University in Egypt since 1981.
Roberto Berry
Ceo & Founder
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, voluptua iracundia disputationi an pri, his utinam principes dignissim ad ne nec dolore oblique nusquam.
Saul R. Lopez
Ceo & Founder
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, voluptua iracundia disputationi an pri, his utinam principes dignissim ad ne nec dolore oblique nusquam.
Thomas Childers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, voluptua iracundia disputationi an pri, his utinam principes dignissim ad ne nec dolore oblique nusquam.
HE Dr Khalid Abdul Ghaffar
Acting Minister of Health and Population
Khalid Atef Abdul Ghaffar is a former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the current Minister of Health and Population in Egypt. He is also Acting Minister of Health and Population since October 2021.
H.E. Madam Rita Tani Iddi
Deputy Ghana High Commissioner to the UK and Ireland
Rita Tani Iddi is a Ghanaian politician who was the member of parliament for the Gushiegu constituency from 2005 to 2009. Rita won the Gushiegu seat during the December 2004 general election on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) While in parliament, she doubled as the deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources in charge of Mines. She is currently the Deputy Ghana High commissioner to the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Melek Ozcan
Ceo & Founder
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, voluptua iracundia disputationi an pri, his utinam principes dignissim ad ne nec dolore oblique nusquam.
Professor. Michael Murphy
President of the European University Association
A past President of University College Cork, Ireland (2007-17), he has been active in many academic organisations in Europe and the United States and has served as Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Ireland, Chair of the Health Research Board of Ireland, Chair of the Irish Universities Association and Chair of the Permanent Working Group (PWG) of European Hospital Doctors. Currently, he chairs the Steering Committee of the European Learning and Teaching Forum and the Advisory Board of U-Multirank.