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H.E Dr. Aawatif Hayar

Dr. Aawatif Hayar is the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family in Morocco. She was President of Hassan II University Casablanca 2019-2021. She received the Degree of French “Agrégation” in Electrical Engineering from ENS Cachan in 1992. She received the DEA and Engineer Degrees in Signal processing Image, Telecommunications and Networks from ENSEEIHT Toulouse in 1997. She received with honours the Ph.D. Degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from INP Toulouse, 2001. She joined EURECOM from 2001 to 2010 in France.

Aawatif has an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche) degree from University Sud Toulon Var from France in Cognitive Wideband Wireless Systems in 2010 and an HDR degree in Green Telecommunication from University Hassan II Casablanca (UH2C) in 2013. In 2011 She joined UH2C as Professor at ENSEM engineering school-UH2C. Her research interests include Digital Transformation, Digital4Development, Social Frugal Smart Cities, Smart grids, Cognitive ICT.

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