Speaker Details

Professor Martin Henson

Professor Martin Henson was Dean for International Affairs between 2008 and 2013, leading on International Strategy at the University of Essex.

Since 2003 he has acted as a consultant in the area of Higher Education and has specialized in strongly developing higher education sectors – particularly in the GCC.

He is in demand as a keynote speaker, for many organizations and in several countries. Most recently he has worked with the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in the UK, Kazakhstan and Singapore, and delivered keynotes at the World Summit on Accreditation in Delhi in 2012, and again in 2014. He operates as an independent consultant in Higher Education, working directly with government ministries, universities and colleges on matters of governance, management, policy, quality assurance and enhancement, curriculum development, pedagogical innovation, strategic planning, and research development. Recent workshops and projects have included institutional planning, research strategy, curriculum development and capacity building and – working for example with KPMG and Ipsos MORI – on strategic planning, governance, and change management. Martin chaired the INFORMA MENA Higher Education Conference in Dubai in October 2015.

He is an Associate of CLICKS – the Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions in Dubai and an Associate of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in the UK. Martin is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.

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