Jackson Docherty is a practical and pragmatic leader in the learning resource development sector. He takes an innovative approach to learning and assessment and was an early adopter of eLearning, simulations and blended delivery including championing the flipped classroom approach during his career in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. His personal goal as General Manager Australian Training Products is to create and deliver industry-specific educational solutions that resonate with our client base – allowing students to achieve outcomes beyond their expectations and employers to achieve substantial productivity gains.
Prior to Australian Training Products, Jackson held several high-profile roles in the Education sector including Director Outer West Campuses at Victoria University. Here he worked with industry partners to establish a cohabited campus where both industry and training merged to produce work-ready students. During his time as the Innovation Manager delivering the Victorian Government’s Industry Engagement strategy, Jackson established the annual Industry Innovation forum in Victoria which showcased leading technologies in the education and manufacturing engineering sectors.
Along with a team of product developers, quality controllers and researchers, Jackson is continually looking at new technologies and incorporating them into leading edge solutions.