Speaker Details

Dr. Hafsa Batool

Dr. Hafsa Batool, currently working as HOD International Resource Center in Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization, Lahore College for Women University Lahore and Lecturer in Economics department at LCWU.

I have seventeen Years University teaching Experience. My early education was from my home town Sargodha and received Gold Medal from BISE Sargodha. I got my Bachelor’s degree from Punjab University in Economics and got Gold Medal in Masters from University of Sargodha in Economics. My MS is from LCWU and PhD from Punjab University and received the Academic excellence award by the chief executive of Pakistan.   

I am Associate member of women chamber and Industry, (WCCI) and is member of (FPCCI) Central Standing Committee of Women Economic Reforms. I am  also member of Education and skill development of (WCCI) in Financial Year 2022-23. My publications are mostly on the socio-economic development of women, I have worked especially on Punjab, Pakistan women who are working for the wellbeing of their country and homes, I have written and working on the women’s empowerment in Pakistan. Women can play a major role in development of country by participating in every field of life. Some of my publications on this topic is “Key Dimensions and Determinants of Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan”. “A Nexus between House Hold Characteristics and Women’s Empowerment”. “Women Autonomy and Sustainable Development, Regional Diversity of Women Empowerment in Punjab”.  Etc. 

I have written on many other topics like “The Impact of Socio-Cultural and Demographic Factors on Religious Intolerance in Pakistan”. “Developing a System for Teaching Effectiveness by Student Classification of Teacher Attributes at the University of Lahore College for Women University”. “Regional Diversity of Sustainable Economic Development in Province Punjab of Pakistan”. 

Moreover I am working on Projects like Supply chain, profitability and export potential of organic vegetable grown by women farmers in Punjab. 

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