Beyond Concepts: Knowledge Sharing

We are excited to announce the upcoming International Conference on Open Innovation and Digital Transformation. We are thrilled to have you here as we explore the latest trends and best practices in Open Innovation and Digital Transformation.

Forum Theme: Governance Across Sectors The theme of this forum is governance, encompassing various sectors such as health, education, sports, public governance, and business administration. The goal is to bring together academic and practitioner perspectives to explore and discuss governance issues across these diverse areas. Additionally, the theme revolves around integrating Open Innovation and Digital Transformation in Technological and Educational research areas synchronically on a single platform.

This event will attract research fellows from diverse fields to share their research findings, current experiences, and latest ideas. The objective is to integrate interdisciplinary research to deliver the best knowledge and bridge the existing gap between industry and academia.

Key Topics Include:

  • Innovations in Educational Technology
  • AI and Personalized Learning
  • Online Education: Trends and Challenges
  • Data Privacy and Security in Educational Technology
  • Ethical Implications of AI in Education
  • Collaborative Approaches to Future-Ready Education

This forum will bring together industry leaders, experts, and innovators to discuss the latest trends and best practices in open innovation and digital transformation. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, learn from keynote speakers and panellists, and explore the latest technologies and solutions. We are looking forward to the knowledge-sharing, inspiration, and valuable connections that will be made during the event.

Building on Success: Building on the success of our previous forums, this year’s event promises to be a vibrant assembly of educational leaders, professionals, and government representatives from the MENA region and globally. It’s an exhilarating period where the potential for creativity knows no bounds!

2024 Agenda Highlights: The 2024 agenda focuses on empowering institutions to innovate, strategize, and provide tools for sustaining educational environments that meet the needs of students, faculty, and future employers. Explore the transformative effects of technology on education through interactive workshops, panel discussions, and demonstrations from leading technology providers. Enjoy dynamic networking opportunities, an exhibition, a Gala Award Dinner, and private appointments with key figures.

New in 2024: We are introducing a call for papers and a poster competition this year to enrich the diversity of insights at the forum!

With robust support from the MENA region, we anticipate significant participation from education ministers and notable educational pioneers and practitioners worldwide. This forum is designed to guide the development of education across institutions and countries within the region, providing an optimal environment for establishing and nurturing long-lasting international partnerships.

Forum Highlights:

  • Digital Transformation in Education: Exploring the Role of Emerging Technologies
  • Building Effective and Sustainable Partnerships between Universities and Industry
  • Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education: Innovations and Best Practices
  • Global Learning Innovations and Trends: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Strategies for Fostering Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom
  • Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Implementing AI in Education
  • Addressing the Challenges of Distance Learning and e-Learning in Higher Education
  • The Future of Work and Skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Advancing Access and Equity in Higher Education: Lessons from the Pandemic
  • Innovative Approaches to Learning Assessment and Evaluation
  • Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing in Higher Education
  • The Future of Education and Work in the Era of AI
  • Special Theme: Fostering Interdisciplinary Partnerships in Higher Education for Future Challenges

Exhibiting Space and Sponsorship Opportunities: The forum will include exhibiting spaces and sponsorship opportunities for organizations to showcase their products, services, and innovations to a global audience of education leaders and professionals.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and inspiration for driving innovation and digital transformation in your organization. Join us for an event that promises to inspire and transform the landscape of education!

Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer exclusive sponsorship packages for organizations looking to raise awareness of their services or products at the Middle East Education Thought Leadership Forum. This event provides a unique opportunity for pre-selected educational organizations to become sponsors at our live Conference and Exhibition. As a sponsor, you will receive a customized package that showcases your organization as a leading Gulf-based education provider.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a range of additional sponsorship opportunities to suit different budgets and goals.

  • The Technology/AI Sponsor package, at £10,000, provides maximum visibility across various platforms.
  • The Workshop Sponsor, at £2,750, includes online and event presence.
  • For £2,062, the Stationery Sponsor offers branding on event notepads and pens.
  • The Bag Sponsor, at £3,500, features your logo on delegate bags and other promotional materials.
  • The Lanyard Sponsor, at £2,500, includes logo placement on all lanyards,
  • The Gift Sponsor, at £3,000, ensures your brand is featured on all delegate gifts.
  • Each sponsorship level includes a logo and profile on our website and a listing in the event brochure.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and inspiration for driving innovation and digital transformation in your organization. Join us for an event that promises to inspire and transform the landscape of education!


Full Access to entire event including workshops and talks

Bronze Sponsor
Exhibition Space

    Event Details
    • Days
    • Start Date
      5 December 2024 09:00
    • End Date
      6 December 2024 17:00
    • Status
    • Location